This is my blog! Levon


I passed the way back from a year of volunteering abroad, over 7 mountains and 7 seas, where my country was! I couldn't keep me patient during the flight, looking forward to see my friends. I was watching the world and countries passing beneath me...

on the road again

So here I am! Nearly ending my EVS. Evaluating. Contradictory feelings! Feels like leaving home to return to home. Don't want to go, but missing badly. Going back to my city! Going to have another cultural shock there. Life looks like repeating! Right a year ago...

the beginning of autumn

... and where should I start from? :) Well, from 16th to 27th of July ICM Slany has a youth exchange programm near Liberec, the 5th biggest city of Czech Republic! More details about the exchange you can find in Cristina's blog, I'll just present...

the end of summer

Time in Czech Republic is running for me, but not passing by! The last bright impression I have is from the Czech tradicional gathering in nature! We went to put a summer camp for children in Tis u Blatna, somewhere in forests. Tents, cold nights, fire, buřt, beer,...

VAPE project in Nuremberg

Dear friends! This month I took a part in a project in Nuremberg from the Czech participant ''Tmelník'' NGO, trying to have my little contribution to the discussions there as a volunteer! 13 participants from 9 countries and different NGO's were working together during 2 years and...

for schools

Dear friends! Less than 5 months are left till the end of my EVS project and I already feel how Im going to miss this everything - Czech Republic, my work, this freedom, travelling and the rest! Here is the list of what I catch...

cultural week

It is a beautiful spring day outside, full of fresh air after the rain. So I can hardly make me sit in the room to write some news:) One of the best weekends for me was riding bicycle with some friends around Slany. The best...

day of commemoration

24th April for all Armenians spread all over the world is the day of commemoration of 1.5 million victims of The Armenian Genocide, which was implemented by Turkish government during 1914-1923, and which still continue...


Since our last meeting, my to-do list was complemented with new tasks and wishes and many of them left my notebook. Sunny and rainy days follow each other mixed in the smells of spring. I completed my video collection about Slany with one more...

very random stuff

On 24th of February was the workshop ''Life As We Know It''. For this reason my video about Armenians was translated into Czech language (thanks to our Czech volunteers). in 2 days, in the end of the February, I had a great Midterm training. The place, called...