for schools

26 Kvě for schools

Dear friends! Less than 5 months are left till the end of my EVS project and I already feel how Im going to miss this everything – Czech Republic, my work, this freedom, travelling and the rest!

Here is the list of what I catch to make in the passing month – the video from the Earth Day in Slany, meet Polish friends in Czech Republic, all day long walk along Prague, ending my Czech language courses, working on 3 workshop-presentations for high schools, parties on weekends, meeting an Armenian familly living in Czech (Armenian party), unsuccessful hitchhiking under the rain in Moravia, preparing 2 film screening and introductions about the films, directors, film personages and history, discovering new cafe in Slany, 3 days in Berlin, eventually getting my residence card, working on ICM promotional video, filming a theatre performance, watching lot of movies!

As to school workshops! It will take place very soon and it aims to introduce young people to open possibilities of volunteering and to social life in general. There is summary information about the goals and structures of Erasmus+ program, and EVS, Youth Exchange programs in particular. I tried to give a whole list of experience that young people gain doing volunteer services, based on my experience and benefits. And the last presentation – the „best piece“, includes a little information about Armenia and what would happen if one decides to do an EVS in Armenia)

Bring to your attention mentioned above presentations in




Preparing to Literature Festival event – Noc Poesie! Will be a beautiful night! 

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