on the road again

24 Zář on the road again

So here I am! Nearly ending my EVS. Evaluating. Contradictory feelings! Feels like leaving home to return to home. Don’t want to go, but missing badly. Going back to my city! Going to have another cultural shock there. Life looks like repeating! Right a year ago I arrived. I remember my first feeling here, the smell of the tea I had the first day! This smell takes me back.

I left my regular life to come to Czech Republic for volunteering. My submissions were unclear and expectations were obscure. Unknown surrounding and strange language. And slowly to the work and environment, slowly to the acceptance and understanding. Though I didn’t accept everything:)

The work, when you feel you do something useful, when you are satisfied with every accomplished task. The enjoyment from owning new language. The freedom of acting and freedom of living by your own! 

And travelling! More than 20 beautiful cities and towns in Czech Republic, also Bratislava, Vienna, Dresden, Nuremberg, Berlin, Budapest, Paris, Amsterdam. And the most beautiful, magic place, unreal city of Prague! And parties, lot of parties on weekends!:) 

Thoughts runs through my head… How much I did, how much more I’d like to do, but didn’t, how many people I met – amazing and fascinating, how many friends I met, honest and devoted, where have I been, where still haven’t, what I saw and what I showed. How much I get and how much I gave. And still, this year was long enough to get used, and short enough to enjoy. Living in a place you want, doing the job you love! What can be better than EVS?

How grateful I am! To have this luck, to get this opportunity! How thankful I am to meet these people, to live this year!

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