This is my blog! Santi

Santi´s thoughts about inclusion in ESC projects

INCLUSION My name is Santiago Boscá Sospedra. I am 24 years old, and during this year, I have been volunteering in Czech Republic, thanks to European Solidarity Corps. Being ‘IDEA Alzira’, my sending organization, and ‘DDM Ostrov, ICM, Slaný’, my hosting organization. During this project, I have been able...

Final blog of Santi!

One year, full of experiences! International cooperation, cultural exchanges, workshops. Leading activities, developing programs, promoting the organization. Creating social media materials. Teaching English, or teaching my mother tongue language for local people in Slaný. Just some of the activities I have been working with during...

Pillars in my way – Santi´s second blog

Pillars in my way Sometimes, Life goes down. Feeling it as weird, wrong way Emptiness existence, present sense, starting to fall again The walls were creating visions, I was sad, hurt, dark, Which direction should I take in this foggy map? . Trying to discover it, afraid of it, walking blind Growing...


V pátek 17.1.2020 proběhl Španělský večer. Santi si pro příchozí připravil prezentace o jeho rodné zemi a jako bonus vytvořil stůl plný typických španělských jídel. Více fotografií ZDE ...

Santi’s 1st months in Czech Republic

Arriving, feeling Czech Republic Everything was fast. I closed my eyes, and before I had conscience, I opened them and I had my feet on Czech Republic’s ground. It was a nice day, the soft sun was greeting me. The wind was kind too, pushing me into this...