09 Kvě Et toi, t’écoutes quoi ? – The music gems from the Czech Republic and France
When they talked to me about this blog, my colleagues at ICM told me that I can start by presentating myself, so I thought about an original way to do it…and I ended up with the idea that the best would be to do a presentation through my main hobby : music !
So here we are : Ahoj, já jsem Suzon, z Francie…and here are some artists that I’m particularly listening to these days !
Amelie Siba – From the classical guitar/voice association to the very pop synthetizers, singing about love and other relationships, it seems like the young artist explores and reinvents her music each time she releases a new record. I can’t wait to see what she will show us in the future but now it’s a good moment to listen to her last EP (mini album) When it’s our time !
Prattseul – After having released a few songs (and a very classy cover) these last two years, Prattseul has shifted up a gear with a new serie of videoclips. The first one has been posted in March for presenting us the song Vendredi 13 and introducing us to a mysterious universe formed by an empty castle and poisoned cocktails. See you in a few weeks to discover De New-York à L.A, the second chapter of the story !
BRUIT ≤ – There is a lot of things to say about this band from Toulouse (France) but I will try to keep it short. So, first, “bruit” means “noise” in French and it’s a good way to present the fact that none of their songs has lyrics. The only voices you’ll hear in their music are some philosophical speeches’ extracts mixed in their long format post rock songs…I know, what a program, right ?! And I can’t help but encourage you to dive in it !
The new album The Machine is burning and now everyone knows it could happen again is now available on Bandcamp and soon on cassette/vinyl ! Also you can discover the music of Bruit with this live at Église du Gésu : a gorgeous church, an incredible intro with the organ (!!!), then the brass instruments, then the band…and some thrills for the viewers !
Sing Sing Soundsystem – Here is a collective from Prague which has released two compilations since a year. You’ll find, in the middle of other artists, the singer Amelie Siba but also the band Dukla or the electro music of Kurisutaru. So a large range of musicians on this project which fluctuates between pop and electro (mostly) !
TAMARA – In their bandcamp’s bio is written that „TAMARA is not a band, TAMARA is a miracle“…ok so let’s say that this entitiy has five members who are creating indierock songs. The music is simple and efficient but also mysterious and poetic. The lyrics are sung in Czech and the musicians describe their music as a “sentimental punk”. Discover this project and its enigmatic cloud („mraky“) in this video !! ⤵️⤵️⤵️
…and that’s it for now, see you in a few weeks for the next session !
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