02 Lis Delphine’s Press Review 3 – What’s up in the Czech Republic ?
- Environment
If you follow our regular press reviews, you might remember the “day of the tree” we talked about last week. Well, this year’s edition occurred on Tuesday, October 20th and the winner is… U Lidmanů apple tree, located in the village of Machovská Lhota!
A new website called Dramox has been launched where you can find more than 40 plays from 30 Czech theatres. The subscription is partly dedicated to supporting the theatres, which are currently closed due to the pandemic. Link to the website: https://www.dramox.cz/cs/welcome
3.Domestic affairs
Doctor Jan Blatný, former deputy head of Brno’s University Hospital was appointed health minister on Thursday October 29th . He replaces Roman Prymula who resigned after being seen in a restaurant while all bars and restaurants are supposed to be closed – on his order. Mr Prymula himself was minister only form September, when his predecessor resigned after being criticised for his bad management of the epidemic in spring.
On Wednesday October 28th a historic wooden church burned down in Prague. This unique building from the 17th century had been moved from Carpathian Ruthenia to Prague in 1929 and served as an Orthodox church. Prague’s City Hall is planning to launch a crowdfunding campaign to restore the church.
Photo: VitVit, CC BY-SA 4.0
5.Bonus info I couldn’t find a category to fit in
On Sunday 25th a 62-year-old man posted on Facebook under a fake account, saying he would drive a truck into a crowd if pubs don’t reopen. He was found by the police in two days and now faces up to 15 years in prison for threats of terrorism.
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