Hey, it’s been a loooong time my friends since the last time. So many things has happened and lot of them were really amazing !

During this months here in Slaný I settled down and I have done lot of good experiences.

In December – a full month- I went to my arrival meeting in Plzen, and I have to say that I had a great time there. I’ve met lot of good people, other volunteers from all over Europe (and not only) that were having experience of the same strange situations as volunteer and as volunteer here, in Czech Republic: remember to take off the shoes when you enter in a home, children go everywhere by their own and, the craziest thing, if you have decide to have a walk outside, doesn’t matter the horrible weather, the freezing cold or the fact that is almost night, you will have that bloody walk!!

But well during the arrival meeting I also had the opportunity to create good relationships and exchanges of different points of view and experiences, understood a little bit better what Czech Republic can offer me and last, but not less important, I had the great chance to drink the typical Plzeň beer 😉

After that we had a big project, the last one of our previous coworkers – say hi to Zuzka and Katca – in which we (me, Dora and other volunteers here in Czech Republic) had the opportunity to go and speak about our country in some schools. It was funny, even if exhausting, because you can realise how much some country can be very similar in the biggest thing but so different in the “less important” stuff that probably are the ones that characterise most a country. So it was, at the same time, really hilarious, for them, and tragic, for me, when I explained that is almost blasfemy to put ketchup on pasta, even worst than pineapple on pizza.. but besides these unimportant and dumb things it was a really good opportunity to get more in contact with other country and to knew a little bit more about country not so popular as Hungary, Latvia or Armenia.

I had really good time because of the Christmas atmosphere: I was in Prague with Shahe and Araqs (the two Armenian volunteers from Kladno) and with Sasha (our friend from Russia that now is volunteering in the north east of Czech Republic). Then I went to Brno with Dora and we visited this beautiful city with Enes, Carmen and Ethan ( Turkey, Spain and Uk). It was really great because the city was covered by snow and it was full of Christmas markets selling hot wine and trdelnik.

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