21 Říj Youth Exchange EveryONE´sNature – PARTICIPANT´S VIEW
EveryONE´sNature was a Youth Exchange about environment and digital skills. Young participants from Czech Republic, Spain, Greece and Armenia shared their cultures, skills and values. Together we created a program about recycling for a primary school in Dilijan, we cleaned the surroundings of a Sevan lake and created a video with a message that resembles our common value – to protect the nature. The topic of the video and the newly started campaign is: stop using plastic bags! or, as we say with our hashtag: #nobagneeded.
And what did the participants say about the experience?
Rafa Roca Moya (Spain) It has been my first youth exchange and it was incredible. This kind of projects give us the chance to meet and talk with people with the same concerns from other countries. In addition, to see the huge ecological awareness of Armenian people who were with us in a country which are not totally aware gave me real hopes in our society.
Mariam Universé (Armenia) I learned very much. Because this is my first time at youth exchange. And basically before that I didn’t work with people who is like me and not from my country. With this project I learned how to do real great teamwork and make conversations and communications with other people.
Jakub Stanko (Czech Republic) It promoted the role of the European Union in education across all the fields, not just nature, but also social & real life skills.
Estela Pina García (Spain) This project and the discussions with the people who have been part of it have made me reflect on how to improve my daily actions so that they harm the environment as little as possible. In addition to thinking about how to make my actions visible to set an example. 😄
Ana Maria Sifre Gimeno (Spain) I think the most important part for me is that the experience makes you destroy stereotypes and see other realities and how people deal with that. ☺️
Grigor Poghosyan (Armenia) this was the most productive youth exchange that I’ve seen.
Levon Vkhkrian (Armenia) It gave me a fresh view on some of my approaches, new breath of emotions and full time joy of living with you, people jan 🐈🐕
Coordinating organization:
IDEA Alzira – Ayuntamiento de Alzira (Spain)
Hosting organization:
Armenian Open Society, A.O.S. (Armenia)
Partner organizations:
DDM OSTROV Slaný – depart. ICM Slaný (Czech Republic)
E.NO Greece (Greece)
Project was funded by Erasmus+ program.
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