12 Úno WORK IT OUT workshopy účastníků
V Česku, v Řecku, ve Španělsku. Ve všech těchto zemích byly zorganizovány workshopy pro studenty – o temperamentu, o Erasmus+ programu, o tom, jak si najít vhodnou kariéru. Ale nejlepší na tom je, že workshopy zorganizovali mladí lidé pro mladé lidi. Jakto? Prošli spolu totiž výměnou mládeže WORK IT OUT a rozhodli se předat své zkušenosti dál. A to je kouzlo Erasmu+. Díky!!! <3
In the Czech Republic, in Greece, in Spain. Workshops for students were organized in all of them – about temperament, about Erasmus+, about finding a suitable career. But the best part is that the workshops were organized by young people for young people. How? They were in a Youth Exchange WORK IT OUT together and decided to pass their experience on to others. And that’s the magic of Erasmus +. Thanks!!!
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