… je zima

31 Led … je zima

January was a month of random thoughts about all the thinks I planed to do…

With the help of my ICM Slany coordinators, I tried to focus on the priorities of what I want to do and what I already did.

It made some points more clear for me and pushed me focus on practical stuff that is need to be done.

Being mentally busy with this all, I was simultaneously working on my current projects, 

such as, making an output of the national evening event, forming „You Can Be Everything“ workshop, 

taking part in my hobby clubs, many other activities I’ll inform you about in future, also having some good weekands with friends in Prague and Brno!


January was a month of more concentration and more ideas. 

I noticed a progress in my Czech language skills as well. To je protoze jsem studoval :=)

Things are going their way…. not to mention the problem with my and bank account issue…) I don’t even speak about the cold weather of these days…)


As to our Armenian Evening event passed very well, better than I expected! 

Some of my friends arrived from Prague and Brno to be on the evening and to support me

(you know, it can be hard when you’re the only Armenian on Armenian evening :=))

We had some guests who we didnt know, some of our Czech volunteers, „ucitelka“-s of some „krouzek“-s of our organization, 

and other people who was interested in my history… The evening lasted about 1,5 hours, I was pleased and full of responsibility …

After the presentation we had a kind of „conference“ with plenty of questions to my, concerning the history, people and social life of Armenia.


I knew there’s no such extensive and in the same time so accessible material to tell about such a big history in half an hour,

so I made a video output of my presentation, changing it a bit, putting together the pictures and my comments along with videos and national music.

People who need to present Armenian history, culture, music, sightseeings, famous Armenians, simbols or national food can need it, 

just clicking on YouTube button… And not only that people but everyone else …

You can find nothing so compact and comprehensive about Armenia in the whole… A great job I accomplished !!!))) You can see that above!

Thanks and meet you later!

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