výměna mládeže AUTHENTICITY

O projektu

15.- 22. července 2022 proběhla na statku Luníkov výměna mládeže AUTENTICITY. Mladí lidé ze čtyř zemí (Česká republika, Španělsko, Nizozemí a Řecko) se sešli na jednom místě, aby spolu prozkoumali téma autenticity, sebeuvědomování, diskriminace, inkluze a objevování nových kultur. Program zahrnoval ranní pohybovky, sebereflektivní aktivity vč. aktivní meditace, nastavování hranic, etc., pohled na diskriminaci a práce ve skupinách, divadlo a hraní rolí, reflexe učení za pomoci Youthpassu, večerní kulturní programy, atp.


A co o projektu řekli přímo jeho účastníci?

David Chaquet Silvestre (Spain): When I decided to sign up for this experience, I did it with fear, it was my first trip outside of Spain, without parents and without knowing the people, my first time on a plane and in a language that I did not speak perfectly, but I can say that it was an incredible experience, in which one learns a lot about others, about Europe and about oneself. For this reason, I highly recommend the enjoyment of these experiences to young people, since many do not know, the incredible experiences and the great friendships that they can make in these projects. And that if the objective of my project was the search for authenticity, I can say without fear that doing these mobilities is undoubtedly an AUTHENTIC life experience.


Panos Evangeliou (Greece): I have participated in quite a few Youth Exchange Programs, but this one was the best and the most unique so far! This YE helped me discover many things about myself that I didn’t know before. It helped me to dive inside myself and find my Authenticity! The atmosphere within the group was full of emotions as everyone could open their heart and express their feelings without fear. Everyone felt safe even though they were with people they just met! I think that this was the most important achievement of the organizers! I feel so glad and lucky that I had this opportunity to be part of this life-changing event! Whenever I participate in such programs I feel that there is still hope for peace all over the world. Thank you each and everyone for this unique experience!


Pablo Jose Perez Cañavate (Spain): Our previous project taught me the importance of creating and following your own path, despite other might have said. The atmosphere created between the members helped to create that inner feeling inside you that encourages you to be yourself.




Antonis Batsalias (Greece): This was definitely one of the best experiences ever. The various interesting topics, the brilliant participants, facilitators and the picturesque location made up a perfect combination for 10 of the most enjoyable days of my life. This project helped me become more authentic, more honest with myself and more mature. Each activity had each purpose and wasn’t just there to spend some time on it. I wish this project would last even more days, cause it felt like only 2 days passed!


Jaimy Jozefzoon (The Netherlands): I’m grateful for the unique opportunity to participate in the one-of-a-kind Youth Exchange ‘’Authenticity’’. It allowed me to meet amazing peers from different countries and learn more about other cultures and frames of reference through the intercultural nights, conversations, and group discussions, related to authenticity, discrimination, values, and well-being. I was also able to express myself and get out of my comfort zone by participating in different kinds of creative/non-formal methods and reflecting on them. Because of this experience, I gained more knowledge about the principles of living an authentic life and the steps I can take to live more authentically.


Výstupy projektu:


Účastníci projektu po skončení výměny mládeže uspořádali také workshopy ve svých rodných zemích. Jak na takový workshop se dozvěděli už v rámci výměny a během workshopů samotných si jak posílili vlastní organizační a prezenční dovednosti, tak navíc obohatili svou lokální komunitu vrstevníků.


Video o pojmech inkluze a autenticita

Vzpomínkové video zastihující momentky z projektu:

Brožura o projektu:

 – ENG

 – CZ

Vybrané citáty ze zpětné vazby od účastníků.

Tři měsíce po skončení výměny mládeže jsme se účastníků zeptali, jak zpětně hodnotí dopad projektu na jejich život. Odpovědi nás nadchly, dojaly a ujistily v tom, že je důležité s mladými lidmi mluvit o autenticitě, zdravých hranicích a snažit se je inspirovat k upřímnosti i toleranci k druhým.

Fotogalerie projektu:

Partneři projektu:

Projekt zorganizovalo oddělení pro mládež ICM Slaný pod DDM “OSTROV” Slaný, zahraničními partnery projektu byli IDEA Alzira ze Španělska, EN.O Greece z Řecka a Anatta Foundation z Nizozemí. 

Projekt byl zrealizován za finanční podpory programu Erasmus+ Evropské Unie. 

Aktuální projekty
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