05 Lis My first three days (part II)
That message in the fortune cookie was full of great expectations. Especially if you consider that I was doing nothing but meet new people every minute in Slaný.
In fact, few hours later, there was a meeting with a lot of new people at ICM’s. The center organized a exchange between Czech and Swedish young people as a project of “Youth in Action” program. The exchanged started on Thursday, but the participants and the liders had to meet the previous monday for… things. Just because. I don’t remember 🙂
So I was meeting new faces and names and I was looking around wondering who will be that person which will change my life. It was only a little paper with some words but sometimes magic just happens.
The meeting was over and my first work day as well. On tuesday I went to Prague. I was happy, nervous, with a lot of expectations. Most of the people have this thing about going to Paris, oh-la-lá. For me has been Prague for so many years. And it was really great. First of all, the prices. Only 110 kr (a little bit less than 4’5 €) for public transport the whole day. So if I compare to Spain, is very cheap. And this is important when you are kind of poor person, for sure (yes, I’m talking about me). Also there was a crowd of tourists. Well, maybe this is not the best part about Prague. But I was a tourist too, don’t forget that. The architecture was amazing, I really enjoyed it. Without any map, I was walking through the city, just being sheltered by its essence. And last but not least, the History, in capital letters. You just can smell it.
All in all, Prague exceeded my expectations. I wanted to come back there even before I left. And the fact that I could meet some friends after my touristic hours, made my day greater. But things don’t last forever and I had to come back to Slaný, but not before getting lost on my way to the bus stop, of course. I called Iveta. Thank you, you were my hero.
After that, I had to wake up for a new and first wednesday of work. Everything was getting prepared for the exchange, and everybody was terribly excited. Something special was about to begin.
Next stop: Back to Roots for Common Future
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